About Us


Vitamins Direct have removed memberships and everyone pays the same with quantity discounts when you purchase multiples of the same item!  

Hello! My name is Pamela B. Reynolds and i am your personal authorized affiliate for Vitamins Direct and W.T. Rawleigh Products. I have been selling these wonderful products since 2001. I am married and have one beautiful daughter. With me you get personal service as I am the only one running the show here! :)  Feel free to email me with any questions you may have but please also check our Frequently Asked Questions area to see if I have already addressed them.  You will find lots of useful links at the bottom of evey page on the website.  I try to process all orders in a timely fashion and orders ship usually within 24-48 hours of processing (weekend processing ships on Monday)

Why cant I reach you by phone? I suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and stuttering. As odd as it may sound, the telephone is one of my triggers for anxiety which in turn increases the stuttering. I cannot give you the proper support you need by phone. I have attempted in the past, but have had to terminate it. Please email me with any questions, concerns or potential orders, and I will assist you in any manner that I can. If I cannot answer your questions or help you, I will refer you to someone whom you can call in our customer service department at Vitamins Direct.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I look forward to serving you!!!
Pamela Reynolds